Things are certainly rounding out now that I'm just about 34 weeks. The belly is growing to unimaginable proportions, the baby is adamantly poking around with all possible limbs, and the bellybutton is holding steady in the "in" position. Those of you who are aware of my extreme bellybutton phobia can appreciate the magnitude of this last statement.
After bragging on Monday that I haven't been sick my whole pregnancy, I managed to catch a cold bug on Tuesday. So now I'm all sniffly and snotty and generally whiny. I stayed home from work today to rest and recover and hang around in my pajamas all day watching the Food Network and eating far too many blueberry and oat flapjacks.
We're also working on finishing up the nursery and tidying up the nest for the arrival of the little one. Charlie has been cleaning out all the nooks and crannies in this house, while I've been beaching myself on the couch wondering what important piece of baby gear I have neglected to consider. For instance, apparently babies need hats. Whether the hat is keep the head warm or just hide that strange cone shape, I have no idea.
Finally, we are eagerly awaiting the very imminent arrival of Amy's and Chris' new baby girl! Good luck, guys!