First of all, look at those cheeks. I have serious cheek genes. There's no escaping them. Second of all, the story didn't end with the hospital discharge. No, our little girl had more drama in store for us. She had her first pediatrician visit on Wednesday. The doctor noticed that she was slightly jaundiced and ordered up some blood work to test for bilirubin levels. We headed back to the hospital so June could get her little heel poked again.
As soon as we arrived back home, we got a call from the pediatrician. Apparently, her bilirubin levels were much higher than he expected, and he would have to admit her to the NICU for overnight phototherapy to flush the bilirubin from her system. Back to the hospital. They stripped her down and put her in one of those NICU baby boxes with an intense UV-type light shining on her from all sides. She immediately sprawled out, threw one arm up over her head, and fell asleep. She looked for all the world like she was tanning topless on the French Riviera rather than stuck in an incubator all by herself overnight. So she was fine. I, on the other hand, was a big ol' basketcase without her for a full night.
The next morning her levels had dropped enough that we were allowed to take her home. They gave us a UV light blanket that we have to keep her wrapped in until we see the doctor again on Saturday. She is taking it all in stride though. Eating, sleeping, snuggling, fussing. That's our girl.
What is the deal with our family and ICU's? Sheesh:
Our little gloworm, wrapped in her UV blanket: