The baby smile. Enough to make us all soft and mushy inside. Juniper is smiling much more now, especially with two grandmas loving over her every minute of the day. She can also hold up her head for longer periods of time - she works so hard at it.
Yesterday, grandmas, Charlie, and I took June for a walk over at the park in Del Mar right near the ocean. She was a little sweetie, dozing while we watched the surfers and sea lions, hoping for whales.
Look what I can do:
Sydney is becoming more and more protective of the little one. We have been taking her to the dog park, but she is not interested in playing with the other dogs or running around. She just paces the fence, watching the stroller to make sure we're still there. She also gets concerned when June is crying and checks in on her to make sure everything is okay. Unless Syd is sleeping, of course. Nothing wakes the Syd. Nothing interferes with bedtimes.