Juniper's sixth month seems full of all kinds of new and interesting skills. She can sit up unsupported, which offers a new vantage point for contemplating the sucking of her toes (yet another delightful discovery this month has brought). She has also learned how to blow spit bubbles and make trumpety sounds with her tongue. She treats us to nightly tongue pthubing concerts, complete with complimentary drool sprays. The look of concentration and determination on her face while producing a wide range of spit sounds is not to be missed.
Juniper's voracious appetite is going strong these days. She is partial to summer melons and squash. She loves yogurt and grain cereals. The only food that she will not tolerate is peas. Peas elicit the yucky face. Even peas camouflaged by all manner of sweet and tasty fruit. She can be coaxed to eat a few spoonfuls of pea yogurt, but she will not be happy about it.
With all this eating going it was only a matter of time before these things showed up. Do you see them below? Teeth! They arrived on Monday. Two sharp little buggers on the lower gum line. They may seem cute, but come feeding time, they are my new little enemies.