Spring is finally here and I can feel the collective exhale, despite the persistence of freezing temperatures and icy storms in our forecast. Like much of the country, our winter was long and unusual and suprising in many ways. But signs of spring are everywhere. The wild geese are honking overhead and the daffodils are crowding around our flower beds.The kids have planted rows of peas and bush beans in the garden and ladybugs can be found in every nook and cranny of our house.
Each time I sat down to compose a new post in this space, something distracting and wonderful came along and I was off on some tangent. One of those tangents has been the opening of our Etsy store, Beetle and Fern, with my dear friend Marta. This little venture grew out of all the fun we had organizing and designing the Enchantment Shoppe for our Waldorf school's Winter Fair. We've been sewing up little dolls and wee woolie creatures, following our every crafty whim. If crafty whims are your cup of tea, follow along on our blog and Facebook page.
The other bit of exciting news is that our little family will be welcoming a brand new baby boy in August. As we lean towards summer, my mind is reaching back to those early days, to what it was like having a newborn nestled right in the middle of our days, to diapers and tiny clothes and wee hours of the night. As the chickadees are nesting, as they have done every year, I too will be nesting. And anticipating.