I took this photo on my birthday a few days ago. It may be one of the very few photos I have taken of my belly during this third pregnancy. I had a slice of afternoon to myself. It was sunny and warm and quiet and baby deer were running back and forth around our garden. Everything felt settled. Still. Anticipating.
I've been knitting baby things and sewing baby dolls and washing stacks of baby diapers and baby blankets, all to fill the hours until we meet this new little one. Juni and Owen are very excited for the arrival of their baby brother and very serious about their snuggling responsibilities. They have helped me fold his little clothes and arrange his swaddling blankets. They talk about all the things they will teach him. The games they will play. The hugs and kisses they will give. Afternoons may be a little less settled and nights will surely be less still, but this will be one loved little boy.